Monday, March 26, 2012

Failed System

As a minority in the United States society has pointed out the differences between class and race. Wherever one turns there is an advertisement portraying a middle class family. Unfortunately many fall short from the image. The system has failed to balance out the opportunities between the people; they have allowed the idea of capitalism dictate the way government runs. Morals have failed from the beginning, they just mold into less obvious forms. A clear example would have to be the way the criminal justice system work. They limit minorities by placing felonies (take their right to vote, even though they continue to pay taxes) and death penalty sentences for petty crimes. The system continues to be racist, because the people sentenced to death row tend to be minorities. Not all communities share the same quality of teachers, like affluent communities do. Having less qualified teachers in schools limits the skills they need in order to be prepared for four year colleges. If the students do make it to these schools, they tend to fall behind on work and eventually drop out. Tuition in Colleges have sky rocketed because, they don’t want everyone to succeed, if that we’re the case their wouldn’t be people doing the dirty work.
What is the path minorties end up taking? They end up with minimum wage jobs, in and out of community classes where they are retaking courses they should have completed in High school. Until they finally get a support who is willing to help motivate them and assist them financially.