In the New York Times, an article discussed the controversy
that erupted over a billboard that was posted in the city of New York. An
anti-abortion group decided to post a picture of a little African American girl
a couple of miles away from Plan Parenthood with the caption “The most
dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” (Robins 2011).
I have a neutral position in Abortion; I value the existence
of a new life, but I also believe that everyone is entitled to make their own
choices when it comes to their bodies. We all face different circumstances
therefore we should not judge. I strongly disagree with the way this
anti-abortion ad, for one they singled out “women of color” instead of women in
general. They went on to say that they were not just targeting women of color,
but “African American” become one of their “key words” which in my opinion
takes away from their message. Instead of being the group who fights for life,
they have now become the organization that only chooses to judge peoples
actions based on their race. Posting an ad in a city where there is a larger
population of African American women is another crucial mistake on their part,
because now they are just trying to create trouble. There are better effective
ways to deliver their message, instead of trying to call them out in public. They are using the media to create conventional wisdom amongst
the public: that woman of color are not sexually responsible because they
majority of them abort. The problem with this is that it’s false, because not
all African American abort, and those who do, are only doing it because they
don’t want bring a child to suffer when they are not prepared to take care of