Monday, April 30, 2012

I Pledge...

 I have decided to become part of an Organization called, Year Up that gives young adults the possibility to prove their strengths in challenging IT training, Business Communications along with Professional skills in a period of 5-6 months. We are exposed to a vast amount of information that we have to retain in a small period that will prepare us for an internship with a corporate partner.

I have taken a close look of the areas that I need to work on in order to accomplish my goals in order to be successful for my internship. 

I Pledge to become a leader at Year UP by,

1. Learn the material we are learning in depth in order to become a resource in class. 
2. Engage more with colleges, instructors as well as with staff members. 
3. Make my presence be known by participating more, because I no longer want to be overshadowed. 

I pledge to be a successful IT Technician by,

1. Studying my Tech Textbook for 2-3 hours each night.
2. Take control of my learning by, searching up information regarding the field I'm not knowledgeable about and asking more questions.
3. Use software’s, operating systems and devices more often that I'm not familiar with in order to get comfortable with it.

I pledge to become a better presenter by,

1. Preparing an outline about what I will be discussing, with clear topics, explination, and main ideas. I also want the flow of my transition to make sense.  
2. Practice my presentation by myself, in the mirror, on voice recorder, and in front of the webcam.
3. Give my presentation to friends, family and stranger, to get a feel of how clear I present. 

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